The War of the Worlds by H. G Wells (1898)
Condensed version science fiction classic:- Free access to all 27 (abridged) chapters
- Listen to audio via playlist sequence of short YouTube short videos.
- Listen to or read entire (adapted) abridged text or individual chapters.
- Videos include subtitles, time stamps & linked learning materials.
- Stays close to the original text for cross reference
- Identical chapter structure but around half the length
- Quick Start Teaching Guide
- Key passages & dialogue remains unchanged and so can be used for quotations.
- Condensed by shortening descriptions, pruning obscure cultural references etc.
- Short guide to the people and places in The War of the Worlds.
Book One I-VIII * Book One IX-XVII * Book Two *
About these materials * YouTube Playlist * Quick Start Teaching Guide
These really are great resources!! I will be sure to share with my team. J.Perchard, St Helier, Jersey